Before getting behind the global warming cause everyone needs to read the sicience. There are many books that describe the flawed science of humans being the cause global warming. And other books showing how it is going to be used as a way to control everyone. Most scientists on the matter have been shut up. There are pleny of books out there that describe how the earth is naturally going through heating and cooling phases. I would bet the percentage of people who actually read about it is almost nil. They just believe what they are told and go along with the Deciders like sheep. The only thing these people who believe them do is complain and describe the bad things happening on earth and then say it is caused by humans without reading both sides of the science. We need to wake up and realize America isn't the way it used to be. Politicians don't have our best interests at heart. They have there own interests and agendas that leave us out completely. The Industrial Revolution and our advanced society is due to fossil fuels. Take them away before we have things to replace them and our society will go backwards and people will starve. I would rather die from global warming one degree at a time than watch mass starvation of innocent people. If you want to eat we need to stop this nonsense and use and develop all the energy resources we have access to or life on this planet it isn't going to be good for any of us. The electric cars have many problems that haven't been solved yet with battereis and chips. Why are the politicians wanting us to switch over from using fossil fuels before the industry is ready? They always need a crisis to solve and a platform to run for office on. And they are counting on nobody reading both sides of the science.

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Climate Change is the Globalist's Trojan Horse. There's not a chance in hell they'll fix the climate, but they'll change you and it won't be for the better. If they succeed with their boondoggle say goodbye to your individual liberty, national sovereignty, and standard of living. It's mind boggling that there are folks among us who actually trust these disgusting miscreants. Just goes to show; there's no cure for stupid :-)

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I lived on the water for 25 years; everyday the water came up and went down four different times, it left a stain on the wall, a high water mark. That mark never moved an inch in 25 years. In Miami Beach, that sinking ship, the water mark is at the same level it was in 1960. They take pictures of river delta islands in Indonesia and say they are disappearing because of global warming; it’s ludicrous.

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Bill, and this comes from someone who greatly respects you, the question is, depending on the "they" to whom you refer, "they never get it right!!. I do expect the more hardships "they" can infer on the people. I do not expect them to get anything right. In my lifetime (79 years) i can count on one hand the times that the dems could actually govern. Actually, I can count on 1 finger that I have seen it in my lifetime. Truman, with all he had to deal with actually got it right. The rest, always about power, money, greed and all the other vices they bring to the table. I wish I could give them the benefit of the doubt, but there is none. "They can NOT GOVERN effectively. Not in their dna. Just sayin'.

Don Harrell

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Bloody hell. I thought I'd never hear the end of the word Covid19 to the point I wanted to hurl. And some how it continues to come back in one form or another. My poor dear friend may his soul rest in peace. Like Climate Change I suppose this one will be with us for a long time except, the climate changes, oh but I suppose Covid changes too. What I cant figure out is why anybody would want to stop Climate Change?, It's as if you want stop the sun's nuclear furnace or perhaps the orbital satellites around our sun. Could we actually stop Jupiter's orbital rotation?, Should we, can we. I'm broke count me out. Nah you'd have to be a monkey to believe that and besides the earth is no longer warming unless of course you happen to be in Europe.

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Bill? The Fed? My monies on Bill And the team he has assembled. I don't need 6 months.

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Bill, Thanks for the information on the new Massachusetts law.They must of forgot we have 4 seasons

here (the politicians ).And being as our present Govenor isn't running for re-election (republican),Mass. will be a less Business Friendly state than it already is.Talk about cutting our own throats in this lousy economy, Where will their salaries and benefits package be funded from if not for small businesses.

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just want to make sure I am not missing something. Is Bill's video for Stansbury and The Day America Dies essentially the same material? It seemed to be so but after an hour plus my mind may have wandered a little :)

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I don't understand why you don't think that anything can be done to the climate?

Why have you given up? What is your legacy to future generations? Despite being retired I have not given up.

New York (and most major cities around the World) could be partly submerged or on short term more vulnerably to storm/floods, - can that be a good idea? You protect your money and capital and wealth, why not protect your investment from climate change?

This was just about water levels; draughts and wildfires destroy crops, Real Estate, wild life too.

To me reduction of CO2 and save on fossil energy is a form of protecting of your infrastructure, Real Estate, Industry. You use gold and commodities as a hedge against swings on stock market(s), why not use investments to protect against climate change. I know I know - it's a supertanker to turn around, but by given up you ADD to make it worse.

We have all heard about the Maldives could be submerged (as a country) but large parts of Denmark and the Netherlands are next ...

You travel a lot, why not visit Greenland and the city Illulisat and see for your self?

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