"This development represents “rank creep” that does not enhance mission success but clutters the chain of command, adds bureaucratic layers to decisions, and costs taxpayers additional money from funding higher paygrades to fill positions" -- Bill Quoting the NDUP Today

We have "rank creep" at EVERY LEVEL of government and I'm not talking about the military. That goes for municipal, county and state government as well as the federal leviathan. Nowhere else can one rise to a managerial position and get paid not based on the efficiency and competence with which their subordinates perform, but rather simply because those subordinates exist (and the more of them, the better the pay for the manager). Anybody see a problem with this picture?

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I read Bonner Private Research because I believe it educates me on economics and the history of such. Also, I really appreciate the comments because they add to a well rounded conversation and help ground me from take off. With that said in my opinion Bill does see the “forest AND the trees.”

Fraud=inflation that’s a home run. The old duffer forgot where he left his car keys…..these illustrations make us use that ten percent of our brains just a little more.

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“Instead, the tank is sent far away, into one foreign quagmire after another. There, it serves its real purpose well. It inevitably breaks down, and needs careful maintenance and high-tech repair…involving huge additional expense. Weighing 68 tons, it is a monster headache for road repairs”.

It’s not about the tanks. Not at all. It’s about everything that goes with the tanks. And the massive opportunity for more grift, more defense contracts, more corruption. Tanks are sitting ducks for dirt cheap drones equipped with Iranian missiles. Hmm. What happened in Iraq over the weekend?

First the CIA Director goes to Ukraine. Then he visits Israel. Hmm. It’s not about the tanks. Not at all.

It’s also not about the F16s. Not at all.

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I’d prefer a little more libertarian and conservative mindset at the top militarily and financially in America.

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Our military is equipped not to ward off invaders but to defend allies

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I highly recommend watching a well researched documentary on the Biden family: "Riding the Dragon". You'll learn the reason we are currently fighting a proxy war with Ukraine, it's not to help Democracy flourish but to end ours.

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I remember when a Hershey Bar was $.5 and twice as big; there is a systemic failure losing one trillion in disposable income in Two years.

General Minihan just said we are going to have war with China in two years,”life is better when you kill the enemy, your food tastes better, your marriage is better.” Dr. Strangeglove

Read the “Bright Shining Lie,” even the best in the military have clay feet.

The US is stripping technology from the tanks. The Dineiper River is a mile wide in places and all bridges blown.

The chat is getting as crazy as the WAPO.

Read Kennedy’s book about big pharma and decided if the US is not absurdly corrupt, contemptibly corrupt.

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The authorized number of active duty generals/flag officers in the US military is fixed by law. 10 US Code 526a specifies the number allowed for each armed service branch. The total is 620 officers, with another 232 officers allowed for "joint duty assignments" (whatever that is) for a grand total of 852, "approximately 900" per Bill's message. The bottom line for me is that if we have too many generals/flag officers, which seems to be the case, Congress can reduce the number, but they haven't. Why not?

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1971 is too late for the beginning of this country's decline. For in the early 1930s there was a joke that new coin was being circulated that contained a picture of a US Destroyer. Expecting a ship picture-- a 10 cent piece was shown. It contained FDR's picture. His adminstration began the deficiate Federal spending that made 1971 necessary.

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Good question! People (experts) are already saying that running and maintaining the Abrams will be a challenge for the Ukrainians because they are so different from the T-72s they have been using. I presume the same might be said for the Leopards the Germans are providing.

The Ukrainians seem to have been quick studies with putting the HMMRS into operation. The same is still to be proven with Abrams. The logistical tail for supporting these systems will stretch back to the countries of origin.

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The Abrams tank performed very well against the T-72 and even the T-80 tanks used by Iraq in the Desert Storm Gulf War in the liberation of Kuwait. Their armor proved vastly superior to the anti armor rounds of the Russian tank main guns. That superiority allowed the Abrams to advance with impunity to almost point blank range blow the Russian tanks literally sky high. I think that will be repeated in Ukraine. But what the US is doing is fighting Russia to the last drop of Ukrainian blood and cleaning out our stockpiles of war machines and ammunition. Meanwhile China bides its time and keeps its powder dry until the US exhausts itself.

Putin does not care how many of his troops die in his "special military operation". Most of them come from the provinces east of the Urals and from the Caucasus. Putin does not consider these really to be Russians.

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RE your commentary of 1/30/23 under the section Iron/Brass and the FO/GO ration of 1:1400, I heard recently that the U.S. has 600+ Generals and Admirals.

Are you kidding me? Unbelievable!

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YESterday I was at one of my local gun clubs, and though we have had an incredible rise in Chinese ownership in land, homes and businesses in the last decade, I have never seen such a rapid increase in weapons training of any group on such a large scale.

"Chinese hoards bursting across the 49th parallel"... Thanks to our bought and paid for whores in Washington, the barbarians are already through the gate...

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deletedJan 30, 2023·edited Jan 30, 2023
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