I've read 10,000 articles by Bill Bonner. I've only hated one. That guy is an amazing writer and brilliant thinker!

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Excellent report on lapse of the mind bureaucrats blowing up the world to kill a gnat. Some of your best work, Bill, and I have read you extensively! You take apart all the bad actors of the past 20 years and expose them for the incompetents they are. All at a cost of trillions of dollars for all us mucks that have to run businesses, raise families and feed ourselves daily. Bravo, wish only that you could have "headed them off at the pass." Keep up the good work. You are the salve that helps heal the rasping of our body politic.

Don Harrell

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Bill, spot on!!! Nothing the Politicos and their apparatchiks do surprises me. Miscreants are miscreants. What surprises and saddens me is the Tribalist's blind allegiance. They routinely fall for their ruler's divide and conquer strategy and unquestionably line up for their daily shearing like some kind of masochistic dullard. Nothing will change until healthy skepticism of the the government returns.

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Excellent, maybe take a look at the emerging evidence that Fauci & co received 100’s of millions of dollars from big pharma. Of course the media won’t report on that, probably because they too receive 100’s of millions from big pharma. It’s some operation to be able to control the worlds media to disseminate the same propaganda & lies. Klaus must have been planning it for a long time.

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Interesting read. Thanks Bill. I especially liked the questions Re . Government rule. Here’s some more dots to connect for those who believe there’s a Creator. The sun that warms the earth is just one of one hundred thousand million suns in the Milky Way. The Milky Way is just one of a million million ‘milky ways’ or galaxies in the known universe as you will all know They are all hurtling through space, each keeping in its assigned orbit, each running on a schedule of split-second timing so flawless that we set our most accurate timepieces by their movements. Can men guide these galaxies? Some Birds migrate for thousands of miles , without map or compass, without ever having made the trip before. Can man guide them on their southward flight? Who designed their brain? God guides the stars by his laws of motion and gravitation. Man cannot guide them. God guides the migrating birds by his laws of instinct. Man cannot guide them. Why? Because Man cannot even guide himself! That’s why God’s Word accurately notes “I well know, O Jehovah, that man’s way does not belong to him. It does not belong to man who is walking EVEN TO DIRECT HIS STEPS”- Jeremiah 10:23. So the stars heed their Creator’s laws; the birds heed his migration laws, but men everywhere balk at God’s wise laws for them. If God is capable of guiding stars by his law of physics, and guiding birds by instinct, then surely he can guide us by means of his grand communication to us…his Word the Bible ? But that takes humility to even admit that no matter which form of government is tried on earth, it will fail Humans were not created to govern other people and solve their problems. In fact, we were no more created to rule over our fellow humans than we were created to live under water or in outer space. Thankfully, God promises He has set up a heavenly government that has the power and wisdom to solve all global problems soon…permanently. Find answers on jw.org and maybe join up some more dots Bill?

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Your selective quoting of statistics to prove your point does nothing for your credibility on health reporting.

If you look further down the WHO list, the 2 Western Countries that implemented the most severe lockdowns and enforced them properly actually ended up with excess death rates of -28. Yes, 28 fewer deaths per 100,000 than their yearly average for Australia and NZ. Unfortunately those countries have now given up on restrictions and are paying the price, but at least with 90-95% vaccination rates when they did it. And their economies did not do as badly as those countries who could not organize a proper lockdown.

Also, Sweden is an unusual case in that it has a very large proportion of its population living in single person households and the population in general were willing to act sensibly without enforced restrictions, something the populations of countries like USA and UK are not capable of.

Also, Sweden's economy did not fare any better than its neighbors even without the enforced lockdowns.

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Yes Bill, I remember being on a finance site back in 2011, and one of our dear fellow investors tried to explain a new currency that would put banks out of future business. He called it Bitcoin, and tried to explain how it worked. The price at that moment was $1.25 a token. Many of us laughed at the idea of our corrupt banking cartel allowing any competition.

Of course over the years, he became the wealthiest of our small group of investors, and most of us were happy to make many times our initial investment is crypto.

If I can be that same dear investor in this room today, I will tell you all to really dig deep in this crypto world, do extreme homework on any money you plan on investing, and please do not miss the future boom that will make you all very rich.

We are all masters of our own demise, and it's wonderful to have so many options on how we will make or lose our money, or be terminated as the results of our own decisions.

Bill, you're a wonderful host, educating our dear fellow readers on how to live their life, and helping us with our decisions in finance and life.

Having multiple safe rooms throughout the world is very helpful for those who can afford it. Having multiple/diversified investments will help us get there.

May not be a bad time to research a few tokens and invest a few fake dollars before those to disappear....

PS, Fidelity Investments just opened the first Crypto 401k. Fidelity is rarely wrong in their investments....

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I'm not going to bother arguing with Bill's logic on lockdowns, I think there are health and economic arguments on both sides. But on vaccines he continues to be dead wrong. 95% of deaths and 90% of hospitalizations have been among unvaccinated, everywhere - even in Sweden. And the pandemic has persisted in part because variants develop more easily among the unvaccinated. Finally, the unvaxed tax the health care system. Bill cuts through the bs on so many subjects, but he has been completely illogical on vaccines. And don't talk to me about freedom. The US Supreme Court ruled in 1905, during the smallpox vaccinations, that the freedom of the individual does not take priority over the health and safety of the many. Same reason you can't drive on the sidewalk. Most countries/states require 8 vaccines either before you enter school or in high school - polio, mumps, etc. But not smallpox. Vaccines eradicated that. Because people used to believe in science.

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gRichard - or as the saying goes - 'when this tide goes out, you'll see who is swimming naked'

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thanks Bill.Glad to see you realize the Twin Towers was not what it appeared to be as conveyed by Bush Jr.

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Oh God, here we go again. Apples and oranges, let's compare open, complex populations to a mono culture. Let's compare huge mobile populations to a fairly static population. Good science there, Jesus. Why only Bush onward, it's Nixon onward or go all the way back to the beginning onward, it just doesn't matter, you're an Aussie. You want simplistic, people are greedy, people are cruel, and the species as a whole is crap. You want to survive go from there. If you want to get ahead don't gamble, invest. If on Monday you want to talk about health care delivery in the US be sure to know and mention it's run by the ABA, the lawyers. If you need me to explain, happy to.

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Just to confirm, could Bill Bonner be open and honest with his readers as to whether he has received a Covid vaccine? I think it's a responsibility of all those trashing the vaccine to be upfront with their readers or listeners. For example, all Fox News on-air personalities are fully vaccinated and boosted as per company policy, while they champion civil servants, politicians and others who have lost their jobs by refusing vaccination. Several of these people have subsequently succumbed to Covid (eg Washington state trooper interviewed by Laura I) which has never been acknowledged by Fox personalities, safe in their fully vaccinated offices.

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It is easy to be a Monday Morning Quarterback.

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